Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

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Adios Week!

Written by Katie. Posted in Challenges

This week was a struggle.  I think I cried more this week than I have in a long time.  I have been pretty quiet on the blogging front, because I have tried to take Thumper’s advice of, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all…”

On Sunday, I knew this week was already going to be tough.  I had gotten used to having Brad around the last two weeks, and I knew I would have to adjust to being on my own again during the day, since he went back to work Monday.  That in itself, got me kind of down. 

Five For Friday 1/7/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

Most of my week was medical stuff, so this one could be a tad bit boring…

1.  Medical Stuff: 

Physical therapy Tuesday and Thursday-Recumbent bike; arms only, unweighting arm work, back stabilization on half foam roller, whole body gym for legs with pelvic stabilization ball…We are trying to do the exercises in an interval fashion…2 mins of exercises, 1 min of laying down rest, 2 mins of exercises, 1 min of laying down rest….We are also trying to do exercises with high reps, and very low weight to “create energy in the tissues…”

Saw the pulmonologist for my annual asthma appointment.  Breathing looked good.  My doctor looked up EDS and did not feel it should have any effect on my breathing.  That’s a positive!

Mailed my records and my summary to Dr. Lavallee. 

Had blood work for my upcoming appointment about prolotherapy to check my free testosterone and total testosterone. 

Saw Larry and he did some cranial work. 

Went to the gynecologist to talk about birth control and family planning options. 

I weighed in at 120 pounds at the gyno and the asthma doctor; which is a much healthier weight for me than the 112 pounds I weighed in at this summer.  This is a picture from the summer when I weighed 112.  I think I look pretty gross. 

Funny how you try and lose weight all your life and then one day you find yourself trying to gain weight.  Life is crazy.

2010 In a Nutshell

Written by Katie. Posted in About Me

Just for fun…And I even got Brad to play along.

What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?

Brad-Rode a jet ski. Went to fish camp.
Katie-Ran 7 miles. Knitted. Made buckeyes.

Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year??

Brad-Didn’t have one last year, but this year my resolution is to be better with exercise and finish house projects in a timely fashion.
Katie-I accomplished my 2010 goal of going to church regularly again.  You can see my 50 goals for 2011 in another post.

50 Goals for 2011

Written by Katie. Posted in Goals

Instead of making a couple of New Year’s resolutions, I decided to make a list of goals I would like to try and accomplish in 2011.
1.  Go back to work.
2.  Floss everyday.
3.  Eat more vegetables.  Especially green ones.
4.  Help more people with EDS and POTS awareness; especially people who have either disorder.