Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

A Heartfelt Letter Written by a Friend

Written by Katie. Posted in POTS Awareness

I read this letter this morning, which was written by a fellow POTSy friend.  It is beautifully written, honest, and REAL.  I found that it reflected a lot of what I have also tried to express to others this past year about having POTS.  I encourage you to read Susan’s letter if you have the time.  As tears streamed down my face as I read, I just kept thinking, “Thank you, Susan,” for putting into words the emotions that come with redefining life after being diagnosed with this crazy thing called Dysautonomia. 


More POTS in the News

Written by Katie. Posted in POTS Awareness

It seems I come across a lot more articles about POTS that are written in the UK, than the US.  I wonder why that is…Anyways, here’s the latest POTS article I found.  I tend to look for more info about POTS when I am struggling with it more myself.  I really hope that articles like this can continue to spread awareness.  Yay, Dr. Grubb!


Energy Smarts

Written by Katie. Posted in Ehlers-Danlos Awareness, My Creations, Other Appointments, POTS Awareness

I had my monthly Larry appointment today.  At my April appointment, Larry graded my Apollo 13 homework assignment he had given me after I spent my March appointment with him in serious meltdown mode tears about life in general.  After I received my A++, Larry gave me another assignment, which was due today.  My assignment was to show some kind of scale that represented things I COULD do on a 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% energy day. 

This assignment was meant to help me reframe my thoughts.  So instead of getting upset and saying something like, “Oh my goodness, it’s a 25% energy day and I can’t dust the house,” I could instead look at it as, “It may be a 25% energy day but I CAN do a load of laundry, some floor exercises, and post on my blog.” 


Written by Katie. Posted in Ehlers-Danlos Awareness, Favorites, My Creations, Other Appointments, POTS Awareness

If you recall a while back, at my last monthly appointment with Larry (Sports Med doc and the “captain” of my medical team), I was given an old fashioned homework assignment.  After having a mental breakdown in his office, he gave me this task…To watch Apollo 13, and relate it to my EDS and POTS by creating any craft project I want.  All he told me was he wanted me to pay attention to the energy conservation theme. 

I watched the movie on Monday (yes, I had a whole month and procrastinated until the day before just like the old days) and ended up taking 6 pages of notes.  It took me 4 hours to watch the 2.5 hour movie because I kept rewinding to make sure I had info, space lingo, and quotes correct.  Then I went to work on my “crafting.”