Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 11/10/17

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

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Man, this was A WEEK. I have not been this happy to see Friday in a long time.

1. Medical Stuff:

  • 3 Home Rehab workouts including my first Core De Force workout which I LOVED.
  • NO PT this week. My PT was out of town.
  • I saw my shrink on Monday. The appointments I usually think I don’t have much to discuss are usually the ones that end up being the most cathartic.
  • My joints have pretty much hated me this week. Temperature change?

2. We had our first night of parent-teacher conferences. I love that we actually get to talk with our parents uninterrupted, but lord, we have a lot of kids this year. We began at 4:00 and I did not get home until 9:15. One more night next week. Halfway there!

3. Bank Fraud. That pretty much sums up my week. Such a horrible headache. But on a positive note, I do have to sing Bank of America’s praises. They have been incredible to work with this week. From debit card fraud, to check fraud, to savings fraud, with a total of $9,000+, I am ending the week with all of our funds back, new accounts, and a few new besties in the fraud department from chatting with them all week. I still have quite the to-do list to get everything situated, but it could have been way worse.

Check your accounts everyday, friends! I have learned a lot this week and this kind of thing is getting more and more common…

4. Two people who are very close to Brad and me had a much worse week. One, was in a horrible accident, needing spleen surgery and he had many broken ribs. The other had a heart attack this morning, but is stable. I feel like this week has proved to me the power of guardian angels. These two people are very lucky and I am so grateful they are still here.

5. I am off to sleep the rest of the weekend. I am exhausted and my body needs rest.

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