Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 12/20/19, 12/27/19, & 1/3/20

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

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The holidays put me wayyy behind!

1. Medical Stuff:

  • I had three weeks off of PT. THEN, I received a letter that my PT will no longer be covered because some doctor who I have never met read a few notes from my file and determined I can do a home program. Gah. GAH. GAHHHHHH. I am currently fighting this and have my medical team fighting along with me. I will update when I can on the outcome. Sidenote: There are not many things that get me this worked up than insurance issues. The system is so messed up.
  • One shrink appointment. Getting my head on straight heading into 2020. Med management too.
  • I did not do too well with home rehabbing over the holidays. I got in 3, maybe 4 sessions in the last few weeks.  Oof. Back on the wagon now.
  • I’m probably forgetting something since it’s been three weeks but I’m too tired to get up and look. Anyone else just want a nap?

2. Started the decade in a wheelchair. Ending the decade with my miracle of all miracles. In between, there were times that took my breath away. Times that were incomprehensible and pure heartbreak. Times that brought me to my knees. And times that were the very best moments of my life. All of it has brought me to where I am today, and for that, I am grateful. Cheers to the next ten.


3. I remember getting down so many times that it would never happen for me. That “Mama” was a title I must not be meant to wear. If you are in a place where I used to be, take it from me…please keep the faith, and don’t ever lose hope.

My favorite gift…

4. These will always, always, ALWAYS be my favorite kind of checks to write.


How about a POTS cure in 2020?

Thank you to all of our supporters.

5. And finally, a picture of my littlest love right after the Christmas chaos…because it’s been a while…And because she’s simply the best.

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