Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 6/13/14

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

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1. Medical Stuff:

  • 1 day of home rehab and zero PT. I spent a lot of time with my new BFF, the recumbent bike in my basement.
  • 1 shrink appointment. 1 hour of perspective, reflecting, and clarifying.
  • What a weird week! Soooooo I did this by dropping a table on my foot cleaning my classroom, which took up a lot of my week with workman’s comp paperwork and all of the questions that accompany that, along with 3 doctor’s appointments. After going back and forth about whether it was broken or not, the final verdict was I have an old break on the side of my foot (which does not hurt), but I just bruised the top of my foot. I am already out of my robo boot less and less. Feeling grateful and relieved I am not stuck in it for 6 weeks like they originally thought.  Katie Boot

2. Dr. Larry is doing a worldwide handstand selfie challenge. I may be crazy but Allie and I decided to enter. After a few attempts and some coaching from Allie from afar, we completed the challenge! Sidenote: If I was going to end up in a boot, I would have sworn it would have been from this, rather than a friggin table. I guess that’s just how it goes…

handstand selfie

3. My Mother is a SAINT! I had to clean out and close the classroom this week. On Wednesday, she went with me and for six hours, she would bring things to me and I would pack them so I didn’t have to walk. (Thank you, Mama!) I am now officially checked out and do not have to be back until the end of August.

4. I had a Zebra Foundation meeting with Sebastian on Thursday, who is a board member, and who also handles our technology. We decided at the meeting to build a new foundation website. Again, I may be crazy, but I am excited about the project.

5. I finally feel like I can get excited about all of our summer plans now that my school work is complete! A lot of zebra work, weddings, concerts, a trip to NJ, a trip to Philly, another trip to York, PA, beach weekends, landscaping, a new deck, house projects, summer nights with friends, lots of rehab, sleeping in, coffee and the Today Show, vacation with my family in Saugatuck… It’s going to fly but I am going to try and soak in every second!

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