Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Posts Tagged ‘Decade’

Five For Friday 12/20/19, 12/27/19, & 1/3/20

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

The holidays put me wayyy behind!

1. Medical Stuff:

  • I had three weeks off of PT. THEN, I received a letter that my PT will no longer be covered because some doctor who I have never met read a few notes from my file and determined I can do a home program. Gah. GAH. GAHHHHHH. I am currently fighting this and have my medical team fighting along with me. I will update when I can on the outcome. Sidenote: There are not many things that get me this worked up than insurance issues. The system is so messed up.
  • One shrink appointment. Getting my head on straight heading into 2020. Med management too.
  • I did not do too well with home rehabbing over the holidays. I got in 3, maybe 4 sessions in the last few weeks.  Oof. Back on the wagon now.
  • I’m probably forgetting something since it’s been three weeks but I’m too tired to get up and look. Anyone else just want a nap?