Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Posts Tagged ‘Dr. Grubb’

Five For Friday 2/13/15

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

I have a lot of pics from this week. I am sad I can’t post! : ( Hopefully soon…!

1. Medical Stuff:

  • I saw Larry on Monday for cranial work and gentle manipulation on my ribs, neck, and jaw.
  • 3 Days of Home Rehab. Strengthening, cardio, and more strengthening…
  • I picked up my new reading glasses last Friday. I gave it a week to get used to them, but every time I have tried to wear them, they make me feel really sick. So hi, ho, back to the eye doc I go.

Five For Friday 11/21/14

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1. Medical Stuff:

  • I had a better week. Especially with sleep, and therefore keeping symptoms at bay. Hoping this continues, and feeling grateful for better days.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • I saw Larry on Tuesday. He put my ribs back into place and did cranial OMM on me.
  • I saw Dr. Rosen (shrink) after Larry on Tuesday. We discussed my recent med adjustments, and the best ways to cope through this flare. We came up a with a log I will be keeping for now, with information about each day (flares, no flares, where I am at in my cycle, medication info, how I feel, any differences to note, etc…)
  • I spent a lonnnnnggggg, but very worthwhile day in Toledo on Thursday seeing Dr. Grubb for POTS. I will try and blog about my appointment later.

Just Another Curveball

Written by Katie. Posted in Challenges, Chronic Illness, POTS Awareness

It’s no secret that I have been struggling with the ups and downs of POTS the last few months. More so than I have in a long time.

I’ve received a lot of questions, phone calls, emails, and concern from my amazing loved ones, so I thought it would be a good time to put a blog post out there. Plus, I miss writing.  It’s a wonderful way to communicate, help others understand, and to spread awareness which I believe in with all of my heart. Plus, it is simply a cathartic thing for me.

Five For Friday 2/1/14

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

February! Whoa!

1. Medical Stuff:

  • This was one of those weeks I felt like I lived at the doctor.
  • 1 Day of PT. Planks, planks, and more planks.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab. I upped my treadmill incline this week.
  • I saw my psychiatrist on Tuesday. In 15 years, I can honestly say I have always left his office able to breathe so much better. Tuesday was no different. I told him he is never, ever allowed to retire. We changed my meds a bit, and I will be seeing him bi-weekly for the time being. I am always reminded after those appointments that working on my mental health is just as important as working on my physical health.

\”Stable:\” POTS in Toledo

Written by Katie. Posted in POTS Appointments, POTS Awareness

There’s always an air of excitement when it is time for me to return to Toledo to either see Bev or Dr. Grubb.  I think it’s because it took so long for me to get into them, knowing that they are two of the best Dysautonomia experts in the world.  Call it hope, call it an understanding, call it an appreciation for doctors who care and “get it”…call it what you will, but it never seems like a chore to travel to Toledo to see these two incredible doctors and people.