Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Posts Tagged ‘Ehlers-Danlos’

11/18/10 Thankful

Written by Katie. Posted in Thankful

Today I am thankful for my diagnoses.  After many, many months I finally have my answers: POTS and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.  I am thankful that the phase of figuring out what is wrong with me is finally over.  I am thankful that it only took me 11 months to get a POTS and EDS diagnosis since it often takes others years to be diagnosed with POTS and EDS because there is not much known about these disorders. 

What Does Sick Look Like?

Written by Katie. Posted in Editorials, Favorites

This post is not meant to offend anyone.  But it is something that I constantly experience on a day to day basis.  I know in my heart people mean well.  And that they want to pay me a compliment.  But I also feel that at times people are trying to make sense of it all when I am told,  “But you don’t look sick.”  “But you look so great.”  “I’ve never seen you look better.” “But you look so beautiful.”

Catching Up

Written by Katie. Posted in Diagnosis Path


How did all this start?  Well, for the past couple years I had taken up running and was really proud of how strong I was getting from running 4 days a week.  I was increasing mileage, I was maintaining a healthy weight, and it just really made me feel good to get those endorphins pumping.  My goal was to run a half marathon before Brad and I started to try and have kids.  So I was following a training plan, teaching, and living life like a “normal” 28 year old.  Life was good.