Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Posts Tagged ‘Thanksgiving’

Five For Friday 11/23/18

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1. Medical Stuff:

  • I had my 32 week OB check on Tuesday. This appointment was about all of the things we need to think about…and have not yet. Things like having a pediatrician in place. Guess what is on my to do list for this week??? Heartbeat and measurements were good and I only gained 1 pound in a month. Bonus. I begin the baby non-stress tests in a few weeks…
  • I’ve done really well this pregnancy, but I can honestly say in the last week, I have crossed over to the uncomfortable zone. Eye on the prize.
  • Short week. No PT appointments. Walks outside and a sad amount of strengthening. I don’t care how giant you feel, step it up, Katie…; )

Five For Friday 11/24/17

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

Thanksgiving edition!

Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT. I wrote about it this week after my session: There are days when it’s hard to move. There are days that are just plain painful, when it’s hard to function, and getting out of bed and then to work is a huge victory. There are days where it takes everything I have to get my joints moving and working. Then, there are days I feel STRONG, like I’m a training athlete again. I’m thankful for my body everyday and what it can do, but on those days when I feel like I can kick butt and take names, I try to make sure I soak up every second and express gratitude. With that said, today I’m giving my 7 cardio miles and my strength training a shout out. It felt good, I feel strong, my sore muscles are a blessing and make me feel ALIVE, and I am going to sleep extra grateful tonight.
  • 1 Day of Home Rehab.
  • Many walks with my sister’s dog, Gru. That counts for something, right?