Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Posts Tagged ‘zebras’

Five For Friday 8/26/11

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

1.  Medical Stuff:

  • 1 Day of PT.  That was an interesting session since it was right after I received my very scary certified letter  from the school district (See this post.)  Let’s just say, I have never pounded the peddles of the recumbent bike so hard.
  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.  Working on my stubborn lower scaps!
  • Faxed more medical records.  Office Max and I are becoming real tight.

Prideful Stripes

Written by Katie. Posted in Zebras

Check out the article, “Nothing Can Stop the Zebra” on Smithsonian.com

“Bradley can’t say for sure whether the zebras are benefiting from the fence, the return of the river, the recent higher rainfall or some combination of all three, but he says the health of the population means that, “given the chance, animals will often be able to respond to cycles of good and bad years and bounce back.”Happy Friday everyone!

Have you ever wondered…

Written by Katie. Posted in Zebras

What noise a zebra makes?  Probably not but if so, you can listen here.  Scroll down on the page, and It’s on the left (towards the bottom) under “Sound Byte.”

Can you tell I’ve been on a couch for a couple days?  Can you tell I’m getting a tad bit bored?  I’m still really sore and stiff but I am definitely moving around better today.  Good thing it’s back to therapy tomorrow.  

Zebra Power!