Just a "zebra" trying my best to live life to the fullest with EDS and POTS...and loving the ride.

Five For Friday 12/22/17

Written by Katie. Posted in Five For Friday

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1. Medical Stuff:

  • 2 Days of Home Rehab.
  • 1 Day of PT.
  • I wore a light up, Christmas unicorn sweater to school and it made my neck break out in hives…and the hives lasted for five days…and then I said, “Only me.” The end.
  • I had an OMM appointment on Wednesday. I am really trying to take two weeks off from everything over break so I have been trying to get in my appointments before vacay. Fingers crossed my body holds up and it is a good idea, and not one I regret.
  • The exhaustion and fatigue are REAL this time of year. So is the excitement…and unfortunately, those two don’t go very well together. I’m trying.

2. We worked up until the 22nd this year, and then I hosted some school friends Friday night at our house. Fun town…AND…Crazy town. BUT, I will say that after New Year, it’s going to be pretty kick ass to have a whole week off. Pretty pumped about that. That will be my hibernation week.

3. This week at school was spirit week: M-Dress like a snowman/woman, Tu-Dress like something out of Santa’s workshop, W-Ugly Sweater Day, Th-Pajama and Holiday Headwear Day, F-Pajama Day #2. It was the first year our school tried this, and it was a hit. Kids who are absent a lot were at school ALL week, and it was just plain FUN seeing what everyone came up with. I vote it becomes an annual thing.

4.We had our year-end Life as a Zebra Foundation board meeting on Saturday. I am super excited to move forward with some of the changes and ideas we came up with for 2018. Stay tuned…

5.   Check out who came to deliver SUGAR to all of my kids on the nice list Friday morning! (They believed him that he was Santa’s police officer from the North Pole). #brotherlove #theyreallonthenicelist #surprises #holidaymagic #lovehim #hessingle #kindergartenisthebest

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and hat

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